Admission Open 2025
College of Physiotherapy
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College
UG Degree Programme in
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)
Duration: 4 Years + 6 Months internship
About our College
College of Physiotherapy, Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College (SMVEC) envisions to foster knowledge, skills, attitude and values of the aspiring youth to enable them to become global citizens. To achieve this process, the institution has evolved a flexible integrated academic curriculum designed in accordance with the Outcome Based Education (OBE which is acquired by the learners of a programme under 'Learner Centric' Model.
The provisions made in this document shall govern the policies, procedures, curriculum, conduct of the examinations and evaluation systems.
The semester system shall be adopted for academic activities in the college. Normally, odd semester starts in second week of June and even semester starts in second week of December.
The rules and regulations shall be subjected to amendment made by the Academic Council (AC) from time to time based on the recommendations of the Board of Studies (BoS).
Salient Features
To train students to work as independent physiotherapists or in conjunction with a multidisciplinary team to diagnose and treat movement disorders.
Skills in the graduate’s physical/ functional diagnosis, treatment planning, management, administration of physiotherapy treatment, and patient support.
Graduates can find employment opportunities in hospitals, nursing homes, sports teams, fitness centers, community rehabilitation, planning boards, and health promotion services in both the private and public sectors, as well as in independent physiotherapy clinics.
Graduates will function as active members of professional and community organizations.
The graduate will be a service-oriented advocate dedicated to the promotion and improvement of community health.
The graduate will demonstrate lifelong commitment to learning and professional development.
Campus Facilities

Activities & Events
On 06-07-23, 4th B.o.S. meeting was conducted for Bachelor of Physiotherapy (B.P.T.) Programme.
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Sri Manakula Vinayagar College of Physiotherapy
Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College Campus
Madugarai Road
Mannadipet Commune
Puducherry – 605 107
(0413)- 2641151 / 2640823 / 2642000
Fax: (0413) – 2641136
E-mail: [email protected]